Here are 8 interview vids from the festival in case you missed them!
I've also put in some mini reviews for their performances as well!
BTW..Got your copy of the official Tanz 24 album yet?
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Their support really does save lives!
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Petrol Bastard
Playing the ultimate silly bugger opening of rave antics at Tanz, P.B smacked us in the face with a Coronation Street introduction, sex dolls galore, and oversized pants pumping out the dirty techno wake up we didn't know we had been craving.. 6 CHEESEBURGERS!
Blowing the Tanz audience back several feet with aural mastery. George barraged high energy rhythms - wave after wave. Matt Hart coming in heavy with the vocal fire support. Everyone KNEW this was gonna kick ass, but everyone around me left that feeling like there was no way they could have prepared for how good that was!
Special Mention: Mimi Barks (And Zardonic)
In my opinion, Mimi Barks played the best set of Tanz 24 and for me personally of any artist I have seen this year! We knew she was going to be killer, and with the first two tracks not grabbing me just fully, you can imagine mine and the audiences surprise when the tempo got kicked all the way up to 11! A storm of pure energy and performance passion tsunami'd off of the stage, creating the first mosh pit I had ever seen at Tanz! A song or two later Mimi jumps down and moshed up against us all, circle pitting, and lyrically spitting the whole time. What an incredible experience that whole set was!

Pic: Musique Non-Stop
Mimi did want an interview with us when asked but was constrained by time. Zardonic (who also played a superb set!) came to join us for an interview but because of a mix up in room timing, he was the other artist I didn't manage to get on film that had agreed.
However they know I'll be reaching out to them shortly to arrange something else!
Danny Blu
What an icon! I know that so many of you were excited to see Danny perform and as many of you have made clear, it was thoroughly enjoyable and a real highlight of the weekend.
Future Lied To Us + Mental Exile
Two brilliant bands, one ideal singer. Vasi had planned on joining us but had to rush off to get ready to perform as Frozen Plasma, as did Krischan at the end of this to help mix for them. With smooth vocals, and beautiful melodies, these bands performed wonders for the audience.
Suffering a sore voice during her set, KANGA still did brilliantly. The energy, passion, and value of seeing such an experienced and top class artist powering through to give the crowd her all was marvelous.
See why Marie threatens to break my arm. (As a friend lol) Also check out some fun arm wrestling between Marie and Kirsty! GYF did what we all wanted, they hit us with emotion, with techno, with anger, silliness, and fun. It was wonderful to have Emma up there on 'the buttons' too. Marie is always a top act to watch and every performance proves again and again why they are destined for greatness in our scene.
for all the emptiness
I only got to see a couple of songs amongst the interviews but Jonathan's voice really is quite charming on stage, as is the vibe and energy his song bring across. A wonderful human being to have chatted to!
Simon Carter & Fabsi
These 2 were my no.1 to watch! So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for SO MANY of you attending their show! Industrial techno gold resonated through us all as we all danced - rave happy to the beats. Absolute brilliance!
For those of you that didn't catch them.. For shame.. Make sure you do next time without fail!
That's all the interviews! Forgive my lack of reviews this year but I was so busy I didn't get to see much beyond these bands above. Thank you all so much for yet another incredible Tanz and I look forward to seeing you all and hopefully new faces next year! Lets share the love with newer people in the scene!
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