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Interview+Single Review: grabyourface - Haine X Guillotine

Writer's picture: Canis LewisCanis Lewis

grabyourface is an artist I've covered a few times over the last year, Marie has won the hearts of the UK Goth scene these past couple of years and that success and new found fan growth seems to be spreading fast, finding an incredibly welcoming response at whatever festival they play at.

This double single release of Haine (Hate) and Guillotine personifies grabyourface better than ever before. GYF is known for two things in their music - Sorrow and Rage.

This dark electronic offering presents these two often very different aspects of their style in to one; with the sorrow and confusion underlying Haine, to the then rage and defiance of Guillotine. This is a heavily emotional dark techno treat for the souls of all of us deeply disappointed and aghast at the horrific state of the capitalist world we have found ourselves in.

Lets take a moment to appreciate the outstanding artwork..

From the Orwellian eyes of 1984, the repeating Ouroboros', the medieval font hinting at the French revolution, to of course - the Guillotine, and most strikingly of all.. The Fallen Angel by French artist Alexandre Cabanel filled with hatred and resentment; One of the best pieces of art of all time.

These all speak volumes to those who understand what they all mean and stand for..

I had a long chat with Marie before having heard the singles and what a fun and in depth chat it was!. With added tracks, videos, and pics, it's worth a watch if you're interested in the mind of this incredible non-binary icon.



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'Haine' takes a twist on what you would expect being called 'Hate'; Yet this is a genuine monologue of not just hate at what the common people have to go through day to day but a pleading question asking the nature of the very fabric and root of it all..

Why do you hate us?!

The techno foundation of this track starts simple with the tasty beatline backing the lyrical monologue but grows in intensity and passion, throwing in an electronic warm up for upcoming heavier beats and layers that steadily throw more fuel in to the fire.

At the warning klaxon introduction, you know damn well the bass is gonna drop, and drop it does.

Dripping with pain, anger, and rave energy, my only wish was that this was louder.

This is such a great song and if any artists are reading, it is RIPE for remixes, it has such a strong foundation that could be taken in dozens of artistic directions.

'Guillotine' adds that higher volume, starting off in a deep distorted bass offering of ideal club stomping 'oontz'.

You can feel this track rising, pounding its way up through your body and in to your mind, siren-called by the lyrical artistry of Marie.

About a minute in, it throws you back in to reality of the anger, the power, the body movement of expression through cathartic dance.

You killed us before we killed you!

If 'Haine' is the pouring of petrol, then 'Guillotine' is the threat of a lit match. Just as in the music video for 'Haine' below with Marie stood with a lit Molotov - this track is the artistic personification of what most of the world is thinking..

'We are about to break, enough is enough.. last warning.'

'Guillotine' is a track that dances on the fine line between electro, rave, techno, and trance. There is no quantifying the abstract nature of the combined suffering and outrage of the people and this track would no doubt bring out some incredible emotions and dances if played in loud clubs. I for one can't wait to work it in to a live setlist.

Both tracks are a great mix of all the best pieces of electronic music and angst. It is all so very atmospheric, like the feeling of a lightning storm getting closer and closer. We all stand, breaths held in anticipation of the one bolt of lightning that will strike close enough to home to jolt us - make us realise that the storm is here, and there's no hiding from it now.

..Are you ready?

Thank you


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