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Album Review: OUR GRAVES - System Overload

Writer's picture: Canis LewisCanis Lewis

Updated: Jan 22


When someone enjoys something and goes out of their way to create more of what they specifically would like to see in the world.. Well, it's always a wonderful thing. OUR GRAVES has produced a distinctively impressive debut album of just that - an EBM album made from passion, meaning, and genuine enjoyment for the love of the music.


OUR GRAVES Drops The Dark & Reflective Debut Album, 'System Overload'

October 7th, 2024 - Electro-industrial band, OUR GRAVES has just unleashed their debut, full-length album, System Overload. The album is a passionate tribute to the electro-industrial, EBM, and aggrotech genres. It seeks to strike a delicate balance: honoring the roots of the scene while weaving in new ideas to keep the sound fresh and engaging.

Lyrically, System Overload draws from a time of grief and reflection following the loss of Graves' father the previous year. Without an overarching concept in mind, the themes of the album emerged organically, revolving around the search for meaning amidst a decaying world. Some of the tracks on System Overload offer critiques of institutions that seek to control us while others offer a glimpse into the personal wars within. and others explore the disturbing consequences of societal degeneration.

With System Overload., Graves has crafted the dark, intense, and undeniably industrial music he wants to see more of in the world.

System Overload. is available on all major digital platforms including Bandcamp and Spotify.



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Punchy, energetic, fun.. 'System Overload' lights the flare for a very cyber take on EBM, much like early Combichrist or Grendel - This is definitely a body mover. The lyrics talk of a viral infection being the cause of the system overload - growled out in a surprisingly clear and concise half way point between aggrotech and EBM.

'Precious lies' follows a similar style, yet a bit slower in tempo to get more (interesting) lyrics in whilst a great little retro gaming synth plays underneath it all if you pay attention, and that's a real nice touch adding to the overall ridicule of society that the lyrics portray.

I refuse to see the lies I'm fed Drink the poison Eat the shit..

'We Want It All' Rumbles in a crunchy synth and a simple yet effective drumbeat. The song rips in to capitalism and how horrible the financial powers that be are as they beat everyone down. A meaty strike of percussion and some brilliant street fighter-esque synths open up 'Faceless' with a distorted electric vocal (which reminds me a bit of MATT HART) scattered throughout the track, it's slow in tempo but quite an enjoyable little 'stomper'. 'Self Destruction', 'My Prison', and 'Intruder' are pretty similar in slower tempo sound too. Upbeat and kicking - 'Happiness' sounds like a dance through an active and dangerous factory, you can't really get more industrial than that, right?. Lyrics drip with accusation, and provoke thought. It reminds me of a much angrier version of IAMX's 'Happiness'. A thoroughly decent slice of harder boot stomping. 'Lost My Faith' is an interesting one, as it plays out a more science fiction B-movie sounding track. Finally we have 'You Can Do Anything'. Do you remember that horribly misogynistic little outburst Trump once spouted along the lines of... "You can do anything.. Grab 'em by the p..." Yeaaaa, well that's the only lyrics to this track. I believe this track to be a condemnation of what he said (Otherwise I wouldn't be covering the album) and as a condemnation, it makes the track pretty cool to bop along to, and stomp the ground very angrily..


For a debut album by OUR GRAVES, System Overload is a great EBM release that stays true to the genre's roots, yet is humble enough to include newer, more diverse, and evolved paths for the genre that allow for a lot more of a modern enjoyment of Industrial exploration. Definitely ones for the darker, grittier past of EBM and Industrial, yet full of potential to spark a new wave of modern takes on EBM.

Thank you!


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